
Dr Albert Ganado made Honorary Life Founder President

On his 97th birthday  which falls on 9th March, 2021, Dr Albert Ganado stepped down as President of the Malta Map Society, and was made Honorary Life Founder President.

At 97, he will be taking a well-deserved back seat. Nevertheless, he will continue to help the Society in its activities. To keep a lasting commemoration of this event, a memento was presented to Dr Ganado by the Society in recognition of his sterling work in founding, nurturing and sustaining the Society throughout these last eleven years.

His role as President of the Malta Map Society was taken over by Joseph Schirò who has been acting as the Society’s Honorary Secretary since its foundation. The other members of the Board are Ivan Fsadni Vice-President, Krystle Attard Trevisan, the new Honorary Secretary, Claude Micallef Attard Honorary Treasurer, Rod Lyon Press Officer, and members Ritienne Gauci, Bernadine Scicluna, William Soler and William Zammit.

The Malta Map Society was founded by Dr Ganado in November 2009. In eleven years, the Society has managed to publish erudite in-depth studies of maps of Malta, many of which are continuously being discovered in various archives and libraries in Malta and abroad. This research work will continue with other scholarly publications to come and with the yearly publication of a highly-respected journal.