
Terms for Copyright

GREAT BRITAIN. Published according to Act of Parliament (From 1735).
FRANCE. Cum privilegio Regis (CPR) or Avec Privilége du Roi (APDR) (until 1792); Déposé à la Bibliothèque Royale or Nationale (1815 onwards).
GERMANY. Cum privilegio Sacrae Caesaris Maiestatis (CPSCM). (Used in the area within the jurisdiction of the Holy Roman Emperor).
ITALYy. (a) Superiorum permissu or Con licenza de’ superiori (Used by the ecclesiastical censorship in Rome; although privileges were granted, this in itself does not imply one).(b) Cumn privilegio Eccellentissimi Senatus (CPES). (A Venetian privilege).
AMERICA. Entered according to Act of Congress.