Bibliography of Books and Articles on Maltese Cartography
Albert Ganado’s publications on the history of cartography with special reference to the maps of Malta.
Malta in British and French Caricature 1798-1815. With Historical Notes, Malta, 1989, 164pp. 81 illus. (Maps of Malta by John Fairburn, 1798 and 1803, Alexander Briarly, and James Weir (manuscript), also maps and globes of some European countries). With Joseph C. Sammut.
A Study in depth of 143 Maps representing the Great Siege of Malta of 1565, Malta, 1994-1995, 2 vols., 502 + 370pp., 156 Pl. With Maurice Agius-Vadalà.
Valletta Città Nuova. A map history (1566-1600), Malta, 2003, 623pp., 188 illus. Foreword by David Woodward of the University of Wisconsin. (Awarded First Prize in its category by the National Book Council in 2003).
‘Maps of Malta, Focal Point of the Mediterranean’, Għazla ta’ Mapep ta’ Malta mill-Kollezzjoni Albert Ganado, Malta, 2008, 7 unn. pp. (Publication of a paper read by Albert Ganado at a forum held by the Brussels International Map Collectors Circle in Brussels on 14 December 2002 in a booklet describing a selection of 10 prestigious maps from the Albert Ganado Map Collection at Heritage Malta exhibited at the Auberge de Castille, Valletta, the Prime Minister’s Office).
Miniature Maps of Malta, Malta, 2009, 127pp., 103 illus. Catalogue raisonné of an exhibition held in Gozo 12 Sept. – 11 Oct. 2009, organized by Heritage Malta in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo, with Joseph Schirò and Bernadine Scicluna curators of the exhibition.
I VERI RITRATTI della guerra & dell’assedio & assalto dati alla Isola di Malta dall’armata Turchesca l’anno 1565. Matteo Perez di Alecio. ROMA 1582. – Matteo Perez d’Aleccio’s engravings of the Siege of Malta 1565, ed. Charles Cini, Florence, 2009, 72pp., illus. Reprint in booklet form of the article on d’Aleccio’s engravings published in 1984, with editorial adaptations, and profusely illustrated, produced together with a separate set of the fifteen Impressed Engravings of d’Aleccio, done by a new technique of photo-etching.
German Malta Maps, Malta, 2011, 190pp., 87 illus. With Joseph Schirò. Catalogue raisonné. Issued for the inauguration of the exhibition ‘German Malta Maps’ held at the Malta Maritime Museum, Vittoriosa, 23 Sept. – 15 Oct. 2011, organized by the Malta Map Society in collaboration with Heritage Malta.
The Early Maltese Cartographers: Cassar, Saliba, Miriti, Gili, Malta, Malta Map Society, 2011, 47pp., illus. Revised version with index in booklet form of the article published in De Triremibusin 2005. See also articles in 2005.
The Brocktorff Mapmakers, Malta, 2012, 287pp., illus. Catalogue raisonné of an exhibition held at the National Museum of Fine Arts, Valletta, 30 Nov. 2012 – 13 Jan. 2013, organized by the Malta Map Society in collaboration with Heritage Malta. With Joseph Schirò and Claude Micallef Attard.
Soler, William and Albert Ganado, The Charting of Maltese Waters, Malta, [20 December] 2013, 160pp., illus.
Albert Ganado, Joseph Schirò, The Pre-Siege Maps of Malta: second century AD-1564, Malta, 2016, 229pp., illus. See book review by Bert Johnson in The Portolan, no. 96, Fall 2016, 59-60; review by Kim Dalli in The Sunday Times of Malta, 10 April 2016, 11; review by Vladimiro Valerio in IMCoS Journal, no. 149, Summer 2017, 56-57; review by Marian Coman in Imago Mundi, vol. 69, part 2, 2017, 260-261.
Albert Ganado, Antonio Espinosa Rodriguez, An encyclopedia of artists with a Malta connection, Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, 2018.
‘16th century Maltese cartography’, The Sunday Times of Malta, 29 December 1974. Published also as an offprint in four pages, illus. (Summary of a paper read at the Italian Cultural Institute).
‘Description of an early Venetian sixteenth century collection of maps at the Casanatense Library in Rome’, Imago Mundi – The Journal of the International Society for the History of Cartography, Kent, England, 1982, vol. 34, 26-47, illus. Offprint.
‘Matteo Perez D’Aleccio’s engravings of the Siege of Malta of 1565’, Proceedings of History Week 1983, ed. Mario Buhagiar, Malta, The Historical Society, 1984, 125-161, illus. Offprint.
‘Italy’s sixteenth-century contribution to the cartography of Malta’, Imago et Mensura Mundi: Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale di Storia della Cartografia, ed. Carla Clivio Marzoli, Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1985, vol. I, 221-232, illus. Offprint. (Paper read in Pisa in 1981 at the Congress organized by the International Society for the History of Cartography).
‘On “Siege Maps of Malta”’, The PSM (Philatelic Society of Malta) Magazine, ed. Alfred Bonnici, vol. 14(3), Dec. 1985, 17-23, illus. Offprint.
‘The Siege Map of Malta by Francesco De Marchi’, Proceedings of History Week 1984, ed. Stanley Fiorini, Malta, The Historical Society, 1986, 101-139, illus. Offprint.
‘Mittelmeer, europäisches’, Lexikon zur Geschichte der Kartographie, ed. Ingrid Kretschmer, Johannes Dörflinger, Franz Wawrik, Wien, 1986, II, 500-505.
‘The pre-siege maps of Malta 1536-1563’, Annual Report and Accounts 30th September 1986 of the Investment Finance Bank Limited, Malta, 1986, 17 (unnumbered), illus. Offprint. With Maurice Agius- Vadalà.
‘Through the Artists’ Eyes: Views of Malta and Gozo before 1900’, 7th Malta International Book Fair 26-29 October 1989, Malta, 1989, 54-63, illus. Offprint.
‘Maps and Views of Rhodes’, ‘The Order’s early legacy in Malta, ed. John Azzopardi, Malta, 1989, 87-102, illus.
‘Malta maps of the 17th and 18th centuries’, Maltese Baroque, ed. Giovanni Mangion, Malta, 1989, 74-82, illus. Offprint.
‘The Grotto of Saint Paul in Maltese cartography and in topographic illustrations’, St Paul’s Grotto, Church and Museum at Rabat, Malta, ed. John Azzopardi, Malta, 1990, 229-247, illus. Offprint.
‘Malta views by Dutch artists, engravers or publishers’, Dutch and Flemish engravings (exhibition 11-30 April 1992), [Malta, 1992], 2 unnumbered pages.
‘A manuscript Siege-Map of Malta recently discovered’, Proceedings of History Week 1986, ed. Joseph F. Grima, Malta, The Malta Historical Society, 1992, 69-92, illus.
‘A sixteenth-century manuscript plan of Mdina by Gabrio Serbelloni’, Mdina and the earthquake of 1693, ed. John Azzopardi, Malta, 1993, 77-83, illus.
‘The representation of Birgu and St. Angelo in old maps and views, Birgu: A Maltese maritime city, eds. Lino Bugeja, Mario Buhagiar, Stanley Fiorini, Malta, 1993, II, 547-591, illus. Offprint.
‘The Forlani-Zenoi’ town books of 1567. A description and analysis’, Florilegium Cartographicum, eds. Peter H. Kohl, Peter H. Meurer, Leipzig 1993, 21-34, illus. Offprint. (Festschrift in honour of Dr Fritz Hellwig 1912-?).
‘Description of a Splendid Collection of 950 Maps and Views of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries at the Malta National Library’, Proceedings of History Week 1992, ed. Stanley Fiorini, Malta, The Malta Historical Society, 1994, 137-228, illus. Offprint.
‘The Great Siege in 16th and 17th century cartography’, Treasures of Malta, Easter 1995, I (2), 41-45, illus.
‘The Funeral of Angelo Emo in Malta in 1792 – A pictorial record’, Proceedings of History Week 1993, ed. Keith Sciberras, Malta, The Malta Historical Society, 1997, 151-180, illus. Offprint.
Blockade. The siege and blockade of Valletta 1798-1800. Catalogue of an exhibition at the Malta Maritime Museum, Vittoriosa, 2-31 October 1998. Illus. (Listed items included maps from the Albert Ganado collection).
‘Mellieħa on maps of the 16th to early 19th centuries’, Mellieħa throughout the Tides of Time,Malta, Mellieħa Local Council, 2002, 49-57, illus. Offprint.
‘Il-Mellieħa f’mapep mis-sekli sittax sa dsatax’, Mellieħa mal-Milja taż-Żmien, Malta, Kunsill Lokali Mellieħa, 2002, 49-57, illus. Offprint.
‘Bibliographical notes on Melitensia – 1’, Melita Historica, XIII (4), 2003, 365-385 (plan of Valletta, c.1813-14), illus. Offprint.
‘The Lucini engravings’, Treasures of Malta, Easter 2003, 26, IX (2), 87.
‘Map of Malta at Sotheby’s’, Treasures of Malta, Summer 2003, 27, IX (3), 86.
‘Bibliographical notes on Melitensia – 2’, Melita Historica, XIV (1), 2004, 67-93 (various maps), illus. Offprint.
‘Malta is essentially European’, Malta This Month, May 2004, 44-48 and front cover of the in-flight magazine of Air Malta, illus.
‘Saint Paul’s Shipwreck in European Cartography’, Melitensium Amor, eds. Toni Cortis, Thomas Freller, Lino Bugeja, Malta, 2004, 359-376, illus. Offprint. (Festschrift in honour of Dun Ġwann Azzopardi).
‘A tribute. David Woodward – a great scholar of international repute’, The Sunday Times, 19 September 2004, 33, illus.
‘Antique Maps’, Treasures of Malta, Summer 2004, 30, X (3), 85.
‘Old maps of Malta’, The Malta Stamp – Official Bulletin of the Philatelic Bureau, 19 January 2005. (Issue of four postage stamps with maps).
‘Bibliographical notes on Melitensia – 3’, Melita Historica, XIV (2), 2005, 169-186, illus. Offprint.
‘The early Maltese cartographers: Cassar, Saliba, Miriti, Gili’, De Triremibus, eds. Toni Cortis, Timothy Gambin, 2005, 227-262 and plates 19-20, illus. Offprint. (Festschrift in honour of Joseph Muscat (1934- ). See also Books in 2011.
The Felice Cutajar manuscript map of 1833. Description of the map by Dr Albert Ganado found on the verso of the folder containing a facsimile of the manuscript map of the Maltese Islands by Don Felice Cutajar issued in 2006 as part of the 25thAnniversary Celebrations of the founding of the Wignacourt Collegiate Museum at Rabat, Malta.
‘The Great Siege in 16th and 17th century cartography’, The Malta Independent, 6 December, 2006.
‘A New State of a Rare Pre-Siege Malta Map’ in Treasures of Malta, Summer 2006, 27, XII(3), 52-53.
‘La cartografia dell’Assedio di Malta del 1565 e delle successive fortificazioni’, Il mare che unisce, Atti del LXXVII Congresso Internazionale, Valletta, 28-30 settembre 2005, Quaderni della Dante, Anno LVII – Serie V – n. 14, Roma, Settembre 2007, 167-177.
‘The Maltese Islands in Flemish cartography’, Mappae Antiquae – Liber Amicorum Günter Schilder, eds. Paula van Gestel-van her Schip, Peter van der Krogt, Amsterdam, 2007, 117-146, illus. Offprint. Festschrift in honour of Professor Günter Schilder (1942- ).
‘The Map of Johannes Quintinus Haeduus and its Derivatives’, Symposia Melitensia, ed. Joe Zammit Ciantar, 4(2007), 113-122, illus.
‘La Sicilia e Malta nella Cartografia Europea’, Sicilia e Malta – Le Isole del Grand Tour. Sicily and Malta – The islands of the Grand Tour, eds. Ray Bondin, Francesca Gringeri Pantano, Siena–Malta, 2008, 53-66, illus.
‘The Albert Ganado Map Collection’ in Treasures of Malta, Christmas 2008, XV (1), 69-74. Transcript of an interview made to Dr Albert Ganado by Dr Paul Xuereb on the occasion of the transfer of the Ganado Map Collection to the State of Malta.
‘Priceless map collection goes to government of Malta’, IMCoS (International Map Collectors’ Society) Journal No.114 Autumn 2008, 16-18. Transcript of an interview made to Dr Albert Ganado by Valerie Newby reporting on ‘Mapping Matters – news from the world of maps’ in the IMCos Journal.
‘1565 Siege Map’, The Sunday Times, 23 November 2008, 18.
‘Maps of Malta, focal point of the Mediterranean’, BIMCC (Brussels International Map Collectors Circle) Newsletter, nos. 33-34, January and May 2009, pp. 5-8, 20-24, reprinted from the booklet listed under ‘Books’ in 2008.
‘Seutter’s map of Malta and its three states’, IMCoS Journal, 116, Spring 2009, 55-57, illus.
‘The Maltese Islands – Four states of Homann’s Insularum Maltae et Gozae’, IMCoS Journal, 119, Winter 2009, 53-56, illus.
‘Undated 16th Century Map of Malta’. The Times, 15th December, 2009, 10.
‘A Volcanic Incident: Isola Fernandea or Graham Island?’, 60th Anniversary of the Malta Historical Society: A Commemoration, Malta Historical society, 2010.
‘My Favourite Map – Bartolomeo Genga’s Manuscript Map of Malta’, 1558’, IMCoS Journal, No.123, Winter 2010, 41-43, illus.
Review of the publication ‘The History of Cartography’, vol. 3, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol.1 Issue 1, July 2010, 8.
‘Printed views of Malta issued in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries’, Treasures of Malta, Easter 2011, 50, XV11 (2), 10-19, illus.
‘The House that maps built – a very special family home in Valletta’, IMCoS Journal, No.126, Autumn 2011, 41-45, illus.
‘A Map of England published in Malta’, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol.1 Issue 2, February 2011, 9-11, illus.
‘Antonio Borg. The Leading Maltese Cartographer’, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol.1 Issue 3, Special Edition, September 2011, 2-6, illus.
‘A Maltese medical mission to Benghasi in 1893’, The Sunday Times, 3 April 2011, 48-49. (N.B. the two maps illustrated switched).
‘Mapping the ages’, The Times Antiquities and Restoration, 25 May 2011, 12.
‘Maps’ . (Description of the Malta maps at the Central Bank of Malta), in ‘The Central Bank of Malta Collection’ by Theresa Vella, Art & Architecture – The Central Bank of Malta, [June] 2011, 140-145, illus.
Dr Ganado was presented with the Helen Wallis Award on Friday 10th June 2011 at the East India Club in London during the IMCoS Annual Dinner.
‘Game engravings in a Lafreri Atlas’, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol. 1 Issue 4, February 2012, 4-8, illus.
‘An uncommon Malta miniature map of 1740 probably by Francesco Marandon’, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol.2 Issue 2, August 2013, 2-5, illus.
‘A further note on the Map of England published in Malta in 1840 – a biography and portrait of Dr Lingard’, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol. 2 Issue 2, August 2013, 15-19, illus.
‘Sceberras: From a wasteland to a city built by gentlemen for gentlemen’, IMCoS Journal, No.134, Autumn 2013, 23-26, illus.
‘The manuscript map of the Maltese Islands of 1833 by Don Felice Cutajar’, Notary Francesco Catania (1872-1960) and his collections at the Wignacourt, ed. Mgr. John Azzopardi, Qrendi, Best Print, 2013, 135-139. illus.
‘Lampedusa’s strong and long-standing relationships with Malta’, Sunday Times of Malta, 10 November, 2013, 40-41.
‘Zundt’s map of Malta’. IMCoS Journal, no.136, Spring 2014, 54.
The degree of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) was conferred on Dr Albert Ganado by the University of Malta on Thursday 22 October 2013.
‘The first separate map of Malta in the Statutes of the Order of St John’, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol. 2 Issue 4, July 2014, 16-22, illus.
‘Zündt’s map of Malta’, IMCoS Journal, Spring 2014, no.136, 54.
‘The Buonamici[?] map of Malta in oils extant at the Wignacourt Museum’, Scientia et Religio – Studies in memory of Fr. George Aquilina OFM (1939-2012) Scholar, Archivist and Franciscan Friar, Malta, Wignacourt Museum Publication, 2014, 247-254, illus.
‘The George Grognet spy-map of 1800/1801’, Malta Map Society Newsletter, Vol. 3 Issue 1, January 2015, 3-13, illus.
‘The Gotha-Stevens-Beans-NBoswell-Nebenzahl Atlas – some observations on the composite Italian atlas auctioned in 2012’, IMCoS Journal , No.140 Spring 2015, 40-45, illus.
‘D’Espinay Saint-Denis, Marquis: Plan de défence de Valette, Capitale de l’Ille de Malte…- State 1 (1797); Veduta della Città Valletta e fortificazioni dell’isola di Malta – State 2′, Malta Map Society Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, November 2015, 21-27, illus.
‘Crespi Antonio: Pianta della Città… – Plan de la Ville… (1798)’, Malta Map Society Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, November 2015, 33-38, illus.
‘An unknown, possibly unique, 1565 Great Siege map of Malta’, by Albert Ganado and Joseph Schirò. Besieged Malta 1565, ed. Maroma Camilleri, vol. 2, 187-203, illus.
‘Maps of the island of Gozo (1630s-1907)’, A man of cultural achievements: essays in honour of Joseph Attard Tabone, Malta, 29-44, illus.
‘André Thevet’s Malta map in Le Grand Insulaire (1588-1590)’, Malta Map Society Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, February 2017, 2-8, illus.
Review of Vladimiro Valerio and Santo Spagnolo’s book, Sicilia 1477-1861. La collezione Spagnolo-Paternò in quattro secoli di cartografia, 2 vols. [Catania?], 2013, IMCoS Journal, Summer 2017, no. 149, 53-54.
‘Joseph Roux – Album of Mediterranean sea charts’, Malta Map Society Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, February 2018, 20-34, illus.
‘Fresh discoveries of Malta Siege maps’, Proceedings of History Week: The 1565 Great Siege, the Foundation of Valletta and their lasting effects, The Malta Historical Society, Malta, 2018, 38-51.
‘An unknown map of Valletta made by Pietro Paolo Floriana in 1636[?]’, by Albert Ganado and William Soler, Humillima Civitas Vallettæ, Malta, 2018, 58-75.
‘The 1814 plan of Valletta of the plague of 1813’, Malta Map Society Journal, vol. 1, no. 4, February 2019, 3-22, illus.
‘The birth of a Malta Map Collection’, Imago Melitae 2019, 2020, 1-12, illus.
‘The Michelot-Bremond atlas of Mediterranean Sea Charts and their Malta map of 1718’, Malta Map Society Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, June 2020, 5-14, illus.
The IXth International Conference on the History of Cartography held in Pisa, Florence and Rome. Dr Albert Ganado: Italy’s Sixteenth Century Contributions to the Cartography of Malta. Dr Ganado was one of sixty speakers. The proceedings were published in two volumes Imago et Mensura Mundi, Florence, 1985.
International Conference at Mainz on 18 September – ‘Past and present history of map printing’. Dr Albert Ganado: A description of the old German maps of Malta 1561-1823. Other Speakers: Reinhold Knödel, Dr Jaroslav Vrchotka, Dr Claus W. Gerhardt, Ernst Born, Johan de Zoete .
Third BIMCC (Brussels International Map Collectors’ Circle) Conference at Brussels 14 December 2002. ‘Mare Nostrum – Maps of the Mediterranean’, Speakers: G. Schilder, A. Ganado, Cyrus Ala’i, M. Pelletier, V. Valerio (BIMCC Newsletter , No 15, January 2003)
International Seminar at Forli, Italy, 28-29 June 2002. ‘Malta Baluardo d’Europa: Disegno militare e fortificazioni a Malta in età moderna’. Dr Albert Ganado: The maps of Malta’s fortified works. Dr Ganado was one of twenty speakers.
Dr Ganado was presented with the Helen Wallis Award on Friday 10th June 2011 at the East India Club in London during the IMCoS Annual Dinner.
The degree of Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) was conferred on Dr Albert Ganado by the University of Malta on Thursday 22 October 2013.
On 14 November 2009 Dr Albert Ganado founded the Malta Map Society.

On 1 December 2017, honoured with the Academic Excellence Award from the Faculty of Law at the University of Malta.